Our signature fixture that bends to your will
Find the right EV charger for your business.

Find the right EV charger for your business.

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How It Works


Step 1

Plan your project

  • We recommend consulting with an electrician before applying.
  • Determine what charger type fits your application and what is needed for installation.
  • Need help with any of these steps? 
    Send us an email
hard hat

Step 2

Complete online application
flip calender

Step 3

Complete site readiness survey
(emailed to you by our program team)

  • Applicants are required to consult with an electrical contractor to complete site readiness, which will likely incur an additional cost.

Step 4

Attend site visit
(scheduled by Duke Energy)

  • You, your electrical contractor, a representative of Duke Energy and the installation vendor will visit the proposed site.
  • After the site visit, you will work with Duke Energy to finalize the project scope.

Save on Fuel and Maintenance Costs with an Electric Vehicle

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